Descolea recedens group 1
Descolea recedens group is a mycorrhizal fungus widespread from forest to heathland, found in the Southern Hemisphere. It is best viewed as a "little brown mushrooms (LBM)" complex of species distinguishable only microscopically. Cap to 40 mm, convex, flattening with age, dark red-brown when wet, lighter red-brown when dry (hygrophanous), with characteristic pale yellowish-brown scales when young; cap margins striate. Gills moderately distant, pale brown, darker with maturity, irregular edges; spore print rust brown. Stem has a characteristically prominent, striate, soft, membraneous ring, palebrown, two-thirds of the way up the stem. Stem widens at base, robust (to 50x6 mm), finely fibrillose, colour red-brown, perhaps paler than cap. Mortimer Picnic Ground, Bunyip State Forest, May, 2010.
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