Tubaria rufofulva 1
Tubaria rufofulva is a wood-rotting fungus found only in Australia and NZ, always on dead wood, scattered or, rarely, bunched (i.e. caespitose). Cap 45 mm, wine-red to maroon, conical to convex, later flattening or even upturned, with central umbo; margin incurved at first; surface smooth, dry, slightly velvety-fibrillose or minutely scaly. Hygrophanous: cap dries out to paler colour. Gills close, same colour as cap, becoming brown as spores mature; spore print bright rust-brown. Stem average, same colour as cap, perhaps lighter near apex above ring; tough, scaly, and may be twisted; has a pale, flimsy, membraneous or fibrillose ring; white mycelium often visible at base. Mortimer Picnic Ground, Bunyip State Forest, 2009.
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