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Russula integra to Stereum illudens
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Russula integra 1
Russula integra is a mycorrhizal fungus associated with conifer forestsof the Northern Hemisphere. It is regarded as edible, but collection for eating here is not recommended owing to identification problems.. Cap 75-125 mm, hemispherical at first, then flattening out; colour brown and tinged with violet, purple, yellow, or green. Gills thick, widely spaced, white, ageing to bright yellowish. Spore print brilliant yellow. Gills and flesh brittle and crumbly, a characteristic of Russulas. Stem stout, white, no ring, stains yellow to russet with age. NOTE: Specimen shown is aged, and also has another fruit body growing from its top, illustrating a malformation occasionally seen in some fungi.  Wikipedia ref  Mushroom Observer ref  Rogers Mushrooms ref  Mushroom Hobby ref Under pines, Eco Tourism track, Sanatorium Picnic Ground, Mt Macedon, 2010.
Russula integra 2
Russula integra - see previous. Under pines, Eco Tourism track, Sanatorium Picnic Ground, Mt Macedon, 2010.
Russula iterika 1
Russula iterika is an uncommon mycorrhizal fungus of eucalypt forests. Cap to 60 mm, convex, expanding to flat with depression, dingy green turning light brown on drying; flesh crumbly and brittle. Gills creamish, attachment adnate, forking outwards close to the stem, (which distinguishes it from a similar species, Russula viridis, which doesn't fork like that). Spore print white. Stem white, stout, no ring, snaps like stick of chalk. Mortimer Picnic Ground, Bunyip State Forest, May, 2010.
Russula iterika 2
Russula iterika - see previous. Mortimer Picnic Ground, Bunyip State Forest, May, 2010.
Russula kalimna 1
Russula kalimna is an Australian mycorrhizal fungus, widespread but uncommon. Mature cap to 70 mm, flattened with slight depression, various bluish colours with traces of yellow, often with fine cracking. Gills close, off-white to cream; spore print pale yellow. Stem unusually short, stout, sturdy but brittle. The whole having a chunky appearance. Doctor's Creek walking track, Reefton, 2007.  41 kB 
Russula lenkunya 1
Russula lenkunya or Russula clelandii, (possibly the latter is the more correct name) a common Australian mycorrhizal Russula in eucalypt forests, has cap to 100 mm, broadly convex to flat with a central depression, colour violet, or purplish-red. Gills are white, sometimes slightly toothed, gill margins often tinged red or pink; spore print cream. Stem off-white to pale purple, sturdy.  Morwell NP ref Jack Cann Reserve, Blackwood, 2008.  39 kB 
Russula lenkunya 2
Russula lenkunya or Russula clelandii - see previous. Baldry Crossing, Green's Bush, 2005.  55 kB 
Russula persanguinea 1
Russula persanguinea. is a common, gregarious Australian fungus, mycorrhizal with eucalypts. The cap is to 90 mm, convex with a slight depression, dark red, blood red or brick red (no shades of purple or yellow), striate margin, slightly viscid when moist. Gills close, pure white with no coloured edges; spore print white. Stem is pure white, sturdy, brittle. [Similar appearance to Northern Hemisphere poisonous fungus Russula emetica, which is not in Australia. Toxicity not known here.]  Morwell NP ref  Sydney Fungal Studies ref Mt Drummer Rainforest Walk, near Cann River, 2008.  52 kB 
Russula persanguinea 2
Russula persanguinea - see previous. Mt Drummer Rainforest Walk, near Cann River, 2008.  53 kB 
Russula persanguinea 3
Russula persanguinea - see previous. Note that rain has partially washed colour pigments from the caps. Day's Picnic Ground, Mt Macedon, 2009.  39 kB 
Russula persanguinea 4
Russula persanguinea - see previous. Doctor's Creek walking track, Reefton, 2009.  56 kB 
Ryvardenia cretacea 1
Ryvardenia cretacea is a wood-rotting bracket fungus found here, NZ, Chile and Argentina (Gondwanaland connection). It forms large mainly single brackets in Nothofagus and mountain ash forests. Brackets to 200 mm wide and 120 mm radius, toasted brown to pale brown in broad radial zones, finely rough textured surface. Underneath are fine pores in a white surface that often weeps colourless droplets of liquid. Bracket sometimes attached by a very broad lateral stem structure, but usually just broadly attached. Flesh white, dense and moist, drying to a soft, chalky texture. NB: Species name from Latin: creta = chalk.  Flickr ref  "Esther's Art" ref Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2005.  31 kB 
Ryvardenia cretacea 2
Ryvardenia cretacea - see previous. Typical chalky appearance of underneath surface. Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2006.  18 kB 
Ryvardenia cretace 3
Ryvardenia cretacea - see previous. Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2007.  33 kB 
Ryvardenia cretacea 4
Ryvardenia cretacea - see previous. Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2006.  31 kB 
Ryvardenia cretacea 5
Ryvardenia cretacea - see previous. Note the clear, colourless droplets of liquid often exuded from the lower surface.  Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2007.  38 kB 
Ryvardenia cretacea 6
Ryvardenia cretacea - see previous. Myrtle Loop Walk, The Beeches, Marysville, 2005.  37 kB 
Schizophyllum commune 1
Schizophyllum commune, "Splitgill", is a wood-rotting fungus found all over the world, growing on many different kinds of dead hardwood. WARNING: It should not be smelled since the spores of this fungus can infect the human body and cause a very serious disease, basidioneuromycosis. It forms groups and tiers of irregularly fan-shaped brackets. Each fan grows from a central point with a short lateral stem. The upper surface is densely hairy with pale pink to creamy pink tones in radial zones, with a margin consisting of small hairy lobes. Underneath are gill-like structures which are split along their edges, hence the common name. NB: Greek: schizo = split; Latin: phyllum = leaf.  Wikipedia ref  Tom Volk ref  MykoWeb ref Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  21 kB 
Schizophyllum commune 2
Schizophyllum commune - see previous. Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  26 kB 
Scleroderma cepa 1
Scleroderma cepa is a common mycorrhizal puff-ball that grows all over the world. NB: Greek: sclero = hard; derma = skin. It grows on the ground as single or grouped roughly spherical fruit bodies to 60 mm, yellow-brown, roughly reticulated or cracked with age. The tough outer skin finally splits into peeled-back lobes, exposing the mature spore mass as a dark brownish-purple spore powder, dispersed by the elements. The cut skin and base tissue turns reddish after it has been cut. NOTE: Member of a group of sclerodermas which are difficult to distinguish except microscopically.  MykoWeb ref Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  43 kB 
Scleroderma cepa 2
Scleroderma cepa - see previous. Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  42 kB 
Scleroderma cepa 3
Scleroderma cepa - see previous. Part of the outer cover has collapsed down into the spore mass. Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  51 kB 
Sphaerobolus stellatus 1
Sphaerobolus stellatus, "Cannonball Fungus", "Bombardier Fungus", [Greek: sphaer = ball; obolus = to throw; and Latin: stella = star], is a tiny wood-rotting fungus that grows world-wide as colonies on rotting logs, herbivore dung and mulch. Each fruiting body is up to 2.5 mm diameter as a white to yellow-ochre globular mass embedded in a mat of fungal tissue, with an upper opening from which eventually a dark brown ball of spores (a peridiole), diameter 1 mm, is ejected suddenly (1/1000 sec) and forcibly to a distance up to 6 metres. That leaves behind an empty star-shaped cup from the surface of which often protrudes a pearl-coloured ballon-like structure: this is the original lower lining of the structure, which suddenly turns inside-out to do the "cannon-like" ejection. The ejection mechanism involves a build-up of fluid action that causes the lining of the cup to gradually change shape owing to osmotic pressure changes, until the cup lining suddenly everts, popping upwards, thus dispersing the spore mass like a cannon-ball. These fungi are phototropic, and aim the ejection in the direction of the sun.  Wikipedia ref  ANBG ref  Sydney FS ref Baldry Crossing, Green's Bush, 2008.  35 kB 
Sphaerobolus stellatus 2
Sphaerobolus stellatus - see previous. The pearl-like spherical structures are the internal tissues which have suddenly turned inside out to eject the brown spore ball. Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  44 kB 
Sphaerobolus stellatus 3
Sphaerobolus stellatus - see previous. The pearl-like spheroids are the inner lining of the cup of the fungus which has turned inside out in the ejection mechanism. Baldry Crossing, Green's Bush, 2008.  42 kB 
Sphaerobolus stellatus 4
Sphaerobolus stellatus - see previous. Ned's Gully, Cathedral Range, 2007.  42 kB 
Sphaerobolus stellatus 5
Sphaerobolus stellatus - see previous. A red insect is feeding on the fungus. Most fungi are eaten by various insects. Dom Dom Saddle, 2007.  70 kB 
Stereum hirsutum 1
Stereum hirsutum 'group', "Hairy Curtain Crust", is a common, world-wide, wood-rotting fungus found on rotting hardwood logs, branches and sawn timber. Species best regarded as a closely related 'group'. It can grow flat on the wood surface, then turning out to form dense, overlapping tiers of shelf-like fruiting bodies. Up to 50 mm wide, 35 mm out, 1-2 mm thick, tough, leathery, wavy, lobed and pleated, with great variation in appearance. Upper surface coarsely or finely hairy, concentrically zoned brown through to yellow, lighter at margin. (From hirsutum: Latin = hairy.) Lower surface (fertile surface), smooth, with radial bumps or wrinkles, yellow near edge, to brown at attachment. Spore print white, (hard to obtain). Distinct from Trametes versicolor in that the latter has fine pores.  Mushroom Expert ref  MykoWeb ref  Roger Mushrooms ref Mt Drummer Rainforest Walk, near Cann River, 2010.
Stereum illudens 1
Stereum illudens is a very common wood-rotting bracket fungus growing here, in NZ, and as far as I can tell, in some other countries associated with exported eucalyptus trees. It forms closely-adhering irregular patches and brackets on the underside of dead branches and logs, up to 150 mm wide, 30 mm radius, and 1.0 mm thick; the flesh is tough and leathery, wavy and buckled. The top is characteristically hairy with radial light and dark red-brown zones, very pale on the margin. Underneath, the fertile surface is smooth, pale purple-brown, plum to violet, with a whitish margin; its has a whitish bloom when spores are being produced; spore print is white. Sometimes it grows as a lower flat mat with no formation of detached bracket structures.  Morwell NP ref Jack Cann Reserve, Blackwood, 2007.  43 kB 
Stereum illudens 2
Stereum illudens - see previous. Jack Cann Reserve, Blackwood, 2007.  34 kB 
Stereum illudens 3
Stereum illudens - see previous. Jack Cann Reserve, Blackwood, 2008.  65 kB 
Stereum illudens 4
Stereum illudens - see previous. Jumping Creek Reserve, Warrandyte, 2007.  78 kB 

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